
旭日旗 旅行・イベント

 『旭日旗』を悪いもののようにネガティブキャンペーンするようになったのは、韓国の反日教育の影響で、2011年1月25日、カタールで開催された『AFCアジアカップ2011』準決勝 日本対韓国の試合で、キ・ソンヨン選手が前半23分にPKゴールで1点を先取した際に「猿真似」を披露し、その言い訳として『旭日旗』を見たという発言からです。これ以降は大きく報道されるようになったようです。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Ms. Kimi Onoda (@onoda_kimi) (39 years old), a politician, describes the materials for making decisions without hesitation using the “Rising Sun Flag”, which is a design of the sun and sunlight (light of the morning sun). I’m here.
The negative campaign of “Rising Sun Flag” as if it were a bad thing was due to the influence of South Korea’s anti-Japan education, and on January 25, 2011, the “AFC Asian Cup 2011” semi-final match between Japan and South Korea was held in Qatar. In the match, when Ki Sung-yeon scored one goal with a PK goal in the 23rd minute of the first half, he performed a “monkey imitation” and said that he saw the “Rising Sun Flag” as an excuse. Since then, it seems to have been widely reported.
Currently, the Maritime Self-Defense Force hoistes a “Self-Defense Ship Flag” with the same design as the “Rising Sun Flag” on the stern of the Self-Defense Force, as it is necessary to indicate the nationality of the ship according to customary international law.

[Twitter] 旭日旗を悪いもののようにネガキャンする輩のせいで、旭日旗がNGなものだと信じて…
