『神戸にしむら珈琲店 北野坂店』のアイスの中に入ってるコーヒー

アイスコーヒー 食べ物・飲み物・料理・レシピ

 いきなり若旦那(@wakadanna_coo)さんが見た、兵庫県神戸市中央区にある『神戸にしむら珈琲店 北野坂店』で注文した時に出されたアイスコーヒーの光景です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Ikinari Wakadanna (@wakadanna_coo) sees the iced coffee served when ordering at “Kobe Nishimura Coffee Kitanozaka” located in Chuo-ku, Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture.
When the ice melts, the inside becomes transparent, and it seems to be so beautiful that you can stare at it forever. At the same time, it seems that you can also enjoy the thrill of melting the ice bowl. In addition, this iced coffee is a summer limited menu in July and August.

[Twitte] 神戸でアイスコーヒー頼んだらアイスの中にコーヒー入ってるヤツきた…
