
降灰体感缶詰『ハイ!どうぞ!!』 自然・植物

 もろ(@mo69tsun)さんが、鹿児島県霧島市にある『ファミリーマート 鹿児島空港店』で購入した桜島の灰の缶詰『ハイ!どうぞ!!』1個100円(税抜)の光景です。この商品は。鹿児島県の桜島の南に位置する垂水市役所(たるみずしやくしょ)の屋上に積もった灰をふるいにかけて缶詰にした物です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Moro (@mo69tsun) bought the canned Sakurajima ash “Hai! please! ! ] It is a scene of 100 yen (excluding tax) per piece. This product is The ash piled up on the roof of Tarumizu City Hall, located south of Sakurajima in Kagoshima Prefecture, is sifted and canned.
In addition, the notes on the can say, “When opened, ash may fly.” It seems that it is not a good thing to open indoors. It may be better not to open the package unless it is outdoors in a windless environment. Rather, let’s get off the canned food and enjoy the sound.

[Twitter] 鹿児島空港のファミマに売ってるハイ!どうぞ!!っていう灰の缶詰、灰の県外輸出…
