
お化粧をする女性 メイク・ファッション

 ファッションモデルで女優の仲里依紗(なか りいさ)さん(32歳)が、妹のれいなさんと一緒に、色々な韓国の化粧品を購入して、実際に使用してみる様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Fashion model and actress Riisa Nakari (32 years old) and her younger sister Reina purchase various Korean cosmetics and try them out.
 This time, both of the people who have beautiful makeup faces will be wearing makeup without any makeup on. The appearance of Reina silently putting on the cosmetics used by Riisa Naka next to her gives me a sense of courage.

[YouTube] 韓国コスメ買ったからメイク動画を久々にやりましたがまじでニキビ消えて…
