
シースルー前髪 健康・美容・医療

 女優の川口春奈(かわぐち はるな)さんが、東京都港区ある行きつけの美容室『TIECHEL』(ティーシェル)に行って前髪を切ります。その時に、担当の美容師の青木さんが、川口春奈さんの前髪を切りながら、前髪の切り方や作り方を解説する様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Actress Haruna Kawaguchi cuts her bangs at her favorite beauty salon “TIECHEL” in Minato-ku, Tokyo. At that time, Ms. Aoki, the hairdresser in charge of her, explains how to cut and make her bangs while cutting Haruna Kawaguchi’s bangs.
This time, she is not dressed in anything and she shows herself getting her hair cut.

[YouTube] わたしの前髪のつくり方✂️
