
厚切りの牛タン 食べ物・飲み物・料理・レシピ

 バイク乗りの独ヲタ女子*アッキーさんが、長野県北佐久郡軽井沢町(ながのけん きたさくぐん かるいざわまち)にある『KARUIZAWA CAMP GOLD』(軽井沢キャンプゴールド)のキャンプ場で、一泊二日の車中拍を楽しむ様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
A Single Ota girl who rides a motorcycle * Akki is in the car for two days and one night at the “KARUIZAWA CAMP GOLD” campsite in Karuizawa Town, Kitasaku District, Nagano Prefecture. It looks like you are enjoying the beat.
It is a luxurious camping meal where you use your own camper van and eat beef tongue sent from the izakaya “Date no Kura” operated by Vans Dining Co., Ltd. for both dinner and breakfast. Again, I don’t seem to care much about being on a diet.

[YouTube] 土砂降り豪雨で牛タンを爆食いし続ける軽キャン車中泊【独身アラサー腹デブ女】
