
じゃんけん 自動車・乗り物

 Yama Moto(@YamaMoto3700)さんが運転する車が、道幅が狭くてすれ違いの出来ない道路で、対向車に出くわした時の様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
A car driven by Yama Moto (@ YamaMoto3700) encounters an oncoming car on a narrow road where they cannot pass each other.
It’s no wonder that the driver of an oncoming car raises his fist over his steering wheel and thinks he’ll be hit for a moment. It is a peaceful world that cannot be established unless we can communicate with each other momentarily.

[Twitter] 今朝のじゃんけんバトル。バチバチに車寄せて来てコレは朝からダルい…と…
