
スケボー・スケートボードに乗る人 趣味・特技

 スケーターのニック・マリンズ(Nick Mullins)さんは、10代の頃にスケートボードに夢中になり、腕を上げます。ある日、MRSA(メチシリン耐性黄色ブドウ球菌)感染症に感染して、その過程で視力を殆ど失います。それでもスケートボードを止める事も無く、白杖を片手に滑り続けている様子です。
 江戸時代の米沢藩主(現在の山形県)、上杉鷹山(うえすぎ ようざん)の言葉「為せば成る 為さねば成らぬ何事も 成らぬは人の 為さぬなりけり」を実践している感じです。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Skateboarder Nick Mullins became obsessed with skateboarding when he was a teenager and raised his arms. One day he becomes infected with MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) infection and loses most of his eyesight in the process. Still, he never stopped skateboarding, and he seems to keep slipping with his white cane in one hand.
He used the words of the Yonezawa feudal lord of the Edo period (currently Yamagata Prefecture) and Uesugi Takayama (Uesugi he is Yozan). I feel like I’m practicing.

[reddit] Skater Nick Mullins almost died when he contracted MRSA and lost his vision…
