
わらび餅 食べ物・飲み物・料理・レシピ

 雲丹肉ちゃん(@oniku117)さんが一手間掛けて食べた、大阪府八尾市(おおさかふ やおし)に本社がある明日香食品(株)(あすかしょくひんかぶしきがいしゃ)のわらび餅をより美味しく食べる方法の光景です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Warabimochi from Asuka Foods Co., Ltd., which has its head office in Yao City, Osaka Prefecture, which Untan Meat-chan (@ oniku117) took a lot of time to eat. It is a scene of how to eat deliciously.
The rainy season has already ended and the hot summer is coming, but rather this year it is already coming, but it makes me feel like eating a well-chilled warabi mochi.

[Twitter] こういうやっすいわらび餅、氷水で洗って1.2分つけとくとトゥルットゥルッで…
