
ポケモン 自動車・乗り物

 ゆきさん(@yu_ki_sa_n)さんが紹介する、帰省先の地元を走る、東日本旅客鉄道(株)が運営するJR大船渡線(おおふなとせん)の一ノ関から気仙沼間を走る特別列車『POKEMON with YOU トレイン』の車内の光景です。
Translated from Japanese by Googl
A special train “POKEMON with YOU” introduced by Yuki-san (@yu_ki_sa_n) that runs between Ichinoseki and Kesennuma on the JR Ofunato Line operated by East Japan Railway Company, which runs in the hometown of the hometown. It is a scene inside the train.
It seems that you can come in contact with Pokemon not only while riding the Pokemon train, but also at the stop station and in Kesennuma city. It seems that my child’s dreams are full and it seems to be fun.

[Twitter] 久々に帰省したら地元の駅がピカチュウだらけになってて何事!?って思ったら…
