
移動販売車 食べ物・飲み物・料理・レシピ

 Liquor Shop TMC(@liquor_tmc)さんが見た、外国人が路上で軽トラックに積まれた桃を格安で販売する光景です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Liquor Shop TMC (@liquor_tmc) saw a scene where foreigners sell peaches loaded on light trucks on the street at a bargain price.
In addition to this, it seems that 6 pieces are sold for 500 yen to 7 pieces for 300 yen on the streets in various parts of Tokyo. The peaches are in season, but I wonder why they are so cheap. I’m worried if I have a road permit because the location of the mobile sale may be on a public road within the range where the permit is unlikely to be granted. It seems that peaches are selling in this mobile sale. Recently, there was an incident in Yamanashi prefecture where about 9,400 peaches before harvest were stolen from the field, so I have to sell it hard. I think the timing is too bad.

[Twitter] 錦糸町駅の近くで 日本人では無い人が片言の日本語で桃を販売中 産地聞いても…
