
車中泊 旅行・イベント

 バイク乗りの独ヲタ女子*アッキーさんが、長野県北佐久郡軽井沢町(ながのけん きたさくぐん かるいざわまち)にある『KARUIZAWA CAMP GOLD』(軽井沢キャンプゴールド)の小宮山文太(こみやま ぶんた)支配人の協力を得て、キャンプ場で自作のキャンピングカーを使い、初めて車中泊をする様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Ms. Akki, a Single Ota girl who rides a motorcycle, is the manager of “KARUIZAWA CAMP GOLD” in Karuizawa Town, Kitasaku District, Nagano Prefecture. With the cooperation, it seems that he is staying in the car for the first time using his own camper at the campsite.
It is said that you buy ingredients at Karuizawa Hotch Ichiba, a facility that sells agricultural products directly in Karuizawa Town, Kitasaku District, Nagano Prefecture, and eat a lot of vegetables even while staying in the car and do your best on your diet. increase. However, it may be fat to sleep immediately after eating.

[YouTube] 自作軽キャンピングカーで人生初の車中泊した結果【独身アラサー女】
