
三輪車 趣味・特技

 漫画家しげの秀一(しげの しゅういち)氏の漫画『頭文字D』(イニシャル・ディー)の世界をあたかも連想させるドリフト走行です。過去の事とは言え余り交通量の多くない山の公道でも、危ないので絶対に真似はしないようにしましょう。もしかしたら、中学2年生は何かとふざけた事をする時期なのかもしれません。
Translated from Japanese by Google
When Gin-chan (@ feltyf75) was in the second year of junior high school, he was riding a tricycle on a sharp curve on a slope and drifting.
It is a drift run that reminds us of the world of the manga “Initial D” (Initial D) by Shuichi Shigeno, a manga artist. Even on public roads in the mountains where there is not much traffic, even though it is a thing of the past, it is dangerous, so never imitate it. Perhaps it’s time for the second year of junior high school to do something silly.

[Twitter] 中2の時の三輪車でドリフト極めてた頃の動画発掘ww
