
家事をする男性・主夫 教育・子育て

 俳優でタレントの中尾明慶(なかお あきよし)さんが、妻の仲里依紗(なか りいさ)さんが仕事で2週間留守にして帰宅する前日に、汚れた部屋の片付けをする様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Actor and personality Akiyoshi Nakao is cleaning up a dirty room the day before his wife, Riisa Nakao, is away from work for two weeks and goes home.
It seems that the viewers also commented that they were worried about seeing the situation in such a room. The difficulty of her usual mother, Riisa Naka, is conveyed.

[YouTube] やべーあの人地方ロケから帰ってくるってよ…大至急片付けろ!!!
