
レーシングカート 自動車・乗り物

 ロケットマンことロバート・マドックス(Robert Maddox)さんが、間欠燃焼型のジェットエンジン『バルブレスパルスジェット』を3基搭載した自作カートに乗り、平坦な広い砂漠を走行する様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Robert Maddox, also known as Rocketman, is riding a self-made cart equipped with three intermittent combustion type jet engines “Valveless Pulse Jet” and driving in a wide flat desert.
The speed of the cart is less than 100km, it is called a roaring sound, it is called a nozzle heated to bright red, and Mr. Robert Maddox seems to have fun.

[YouTube] Crazy Rocketman: FULL THROTTLE !! Desert Run.
