幼なじみであるRIHOとNICOで結成されたyoutubeチャンネル『平成フラミンゴ』(へいせいふらみんご)のYouTuberである「にこ」こと一宮にこ(いちみや にこ)さんが、新しい自宅で素麺等の料理をしながら、容姿が魅力的な以前交際していた彼氏について述べています。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Niko Ichinomiya, a YouTuber of the youtube channel “Heisei Flamingo” formed by her childhood friends RIHO and NICO, has made somen noodles at her new home. While cooking, he talks about his former boyfriend, who has a charming appearance.
It seems that Niko Ichinomiya was dating with a policy of not being a convenient woman. Unfortunately, her ex-boyfriend seems to have been a strange person. She is also interested in rough cooking, probably because she is talking and making.
[YouTube] 昔好きだった人に振り回される27歳独身女がブチギレながらクッキングした