
ニキビ顔 健康・美容・医療

 ファッションモデルで女優の仲里依紗(なか りいさ)さんが、撮影担当の妹のれいなさんと一緒に皮膚科に行って、顎に出来たニキビに穴を開けて、中身を押し出す施術をする様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Fashion model and actress Riisa Naka goes to a dermatologist with her younger sister, Reina, who is in charge of photography, to make a hole in the acne on her chin and push out the contents. ..
This time, I feel that I got a glimpse of the tireless efforts to maintain the beautiful skin of the actress.

[YouTube] ニキビを手術します👩‍⚕️ニキビできまくった女優の肌事情を初公開して晒します
