
居合術 趣味・特技

 本物の炎が刀にまとわる炎刀を実際に操る炎アーティストの宮窪研(みやくぼ きわむ)さんの舞です。力強くも儚い炎の魅力が感じられます。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Kiwamu (@kiwamissimo), a professional flame craftsman, shows off his flame sword in a Japanese-style room in the dark.
It is a dance of Miyakubo Ken (Miyakubo his Kiwamu), a flame artist who actually manipulates a flame sword with a real flame wrapped around a sword. You can feel the charm of powerful but ephemeral flames.

[Twitter] こちら炎刀の抜刀、鞘から炎が吹き出ます。火花の軌跡が綺麗です🔥
