
マグカップ 食べ物・飲み物・料理・レシピ

 まんなたぬき(@maaco414)さんが作る、童話作家の角野栄子((かどの えいこ)氏による児童書『魔女の宅急便』のアニメ映画(宮崎駿(みやざき はやお)監督)に出てくるマグカップをアイシングクッキーで再現したクッキーの様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
A mug cup made by Manna Tanuki (@ maaco414) and appearing in the anime movie (Director Hayao Miyazaki) of the children’s book “Kiki’s Delivery Service” by Eiko Kadono, a fairy tale writer. It is a state of the cookie that reproduced with icing cookie.
This time as well, it is a high-quality sweet, and it is a waste to eat, so it is a work that I would like to decorate.

[Twitter] 魔女の宅急便に出てくるあのマグカップをアイシングクッキーで作って…
