
コロッケ 告知

 林野(@hayasino)さんが、兵庫県高砂市(ひょうごけん たかさごし)にある精肉店『旭屋』(あさひや)に、インターネットで9年前に注文した神戸ビーフコロッケ「極み」が届いた時の光景です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
When Mr. Hayashino (@hayasino) received the Kobe beef croquette “Extreme” that he ordered on the Internet 9 years ago at the butcher shop “Asahiya” in Takasago City, Hyogo Prefecture. It is a sight.
The customer who ordered seems to remember that they ordered by email notifying them of shipping. It’s like a croquette where you can enjoy the finest taste, flooded with orders.

[Twitter] 9年前に頼んだ私のコロッケ、届いた
