
色々なアイスキャンディー 食べ物・飲み物・料理・レシピ

 お笑いタレントの江頭2:50(えがしら にじごじゅっぷん)さん(56歳)が、大好きな冷菓『ガツン、とみかん』を販売する赤城乳業(株)の広報の中島さん(29歳)とWebCMの出演について交渉する様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Egashira 2:50 (56 years old), a laughing talent, is a public relations officer of Akagi Nyugyo Co., Ltd. (29 years old) who sells his favorite frozen dessert “Gatsun, Tomikan”. It seems to be negotiating about the appearance of WebCM.
The enthusiasm is conveyed in the words of Mr. Nakajima, who gave a presentation of the CM appearance in the company, “I will play a game in my life.”

[YouTube] あの企業から正式に連絡が来ました。
