
引っ越しのトラック 旅行・イベント

 お笑いタレントの江頭2:50(えがしら にじごじゅっぷん)さん(56歳)が、自身のマネージャーのブリーフ団Mさんが江頭さんに内緒で引っ越したので、リサイクルショップで引っ越し祝いを購入して新居まで配達する様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Owarai tarento Egashira 2:50 (56 years old) bought a moving celebration at a thrift shop because his manager, Briefs M, moved to Egashira in secret. It seems that it will be delivered to the new house.
Because she moved in secret, it was a celebration of her move, which even felt her malice, and seemed to offend her minimalist.

[YouTube] 引っ越し祝いじゃ
