
テント 食べ物・飲み物・料理・レシピ

 バイク乗りの独ヲタ女子*アッキーさんが、お笑いタレントの井戸田潤(いとだ じゅん)さんと本田技研工業(株)が製造・販売する『ハンターカブ』(トレッキング仕様のカブ)繋がりでコラボレーションした様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
It seems that Mr. Akki, a German Ota girl who rides a motorcycle, collaborated with laughing talent Jun Itoda in connection with “Hunter Cub” (trekking specification cub) manufactured and sold by Honda Motor Co., Ltd. ..
It is a continuation of the previous “Akki, Jun Itoda and the first collaboration will be slapstick”. At the auto campsite of “Narita Dream Dairy Farm” in Narita City, Chiba Prefecture, Mr. Akki cooks camp rice with Mr. Jun Itoda, a hamburger steak. Mr. Akki’s handmade special hamburger steak looks delicious, but it seems that the garlic-filled camping meal didn’t fit Jun Itoda’s mouth a little.

[YouTube] 独身女の手作りキャンプ飯で絶望したハンバーグ師匠…
